Joining the Dots
The Sizzle Podcast
S02E02 Davie Donaldson [Gypsy, Roma & Traveller history, culture & oppression]

S02E02 Davie Donaldson [Gypsy, Roma & Traveller history, culture & oppression]

Welcome to S02E02! You can join my mailing list to stay in loop about Sizzle Episodes and to receive [semi regular] emails about using psychology in your life:

In this episode I am joined by Davie Donaldson, founder of Progress in Dialogue. During the episode we cover a range of topics, including:

- The history of the Roma
- Traveller culture in Scotland
- Wearing masks to navigate education
- Being a role model
- Stories being linked to place
- Traveller practices around inheritance
- Culture clash and oppression
- Things people can do to learn more about Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

Find out more about Davie here: @DavieDonaldson (twitter)
Find Progress in Dialogue here:

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Joining the Dots
The Sizzle Podcast
Bringing an informal but informed psychological lens to topics you are blatantly interested in...
Brought to you by Dr Jo Taylor and Constellations Psychology.